Saturday, June 28, 2008

Goodbye, Fluti

We had a dramatic and then sad event take place this past week. Our beloved Toy Poodle, Fluti, had apparently had a rough day. Roman was pulling himself up against the couch, and I was sitting there with Fluti beside me. Although Fluti has shown affection for and even seemed protective of the babies, she is first and foremost "Mommy's" dog. Without warning, she lashed out and bit Roman near the eye! This picture shows the bite mark.

In that instant, Fluti's life changed forever :(
I knew she could not stay in the house. For now, my parents have adopted her. Since they already have two Toy Poodles of their own, that is a lot to take on. I am happy to still be able to see Fluti, but they do hope that my sister and her husband can adopt her. They live in Salt Lake City, however. I've felt, too, that Fluti wasn't getting the attention she deserved, so I console myself with the notion that at my parents' or Jami & Nick's, she'll get more attention. Either way, we are now a home without a dog--but a safer one for the kiddos.

On a much happier note, Zara is officially crawling and keeping up with her brother all over the house (main floor only for now.) She is making lots of babbling noises along with Mr. Roman, and we've officially ended physical therapy since both the pediatrician and the therapist (and we) feel she is completely in the range that she should be for her age! It's a good feeling. Pictured above are Roman and Zara strumming the vent and Roman looking at himself on TV.

We took the kids swinging outside for the first time last week and have gone many times since. They love it, especially Zara (who is hard to impress--much like her father!)

This video shows me and my mother (Grandma Rena) swinging at the local park with the kiddos.

We are leaving for a family roadtrip to Minnesota next Tuesday. I'll be sure to post some things from that "adventure."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June Rolls By

Today Aunt Becky from Raleigh, NC came by for a visit! It was fun to have her play with the kids and see her again after many years. Zara seems to be getting better about letting people hold her. We've been working on it a bit, and Becky was able to feed and hold and cuddle Little Girl!
Roman was very entertaining, and acting very "snarky" as we like to say.

Zara continues to make progress, and frankly, it's hardly worth talking about on a therapeutic level anymore. The nine-month well-care visit to the pediatrician was on the 16th, and Zara appears completely on track for her age, as does Mr. Roman. Z still does have what might be some "tongue weakness," but it will take care of itself. (Until then, photos like this will be smattered throughout her portfolio, poor kid!)

This is a photo of Roman looking very much like his dad when Todd was little. I had to include it! See that mischievious grin? I'm hoping that doesn't mean, as our friend Brooke says, that he's "Trouble!"

We are doing our best to baby proof the house. Despite what it looks like in this picture, we keep them away from cords and plastic! We have to get the baby gates up and all the other things that are must-dos for their safety.

We're planning a trip to Minnesota the first week of July. We are taking it in the mini-van! I am hoping that well-laid plans and some flexibility will enable a good trip! It's a trip to see my "peeps" since many of them haven't met the babies (or vice versa, however you want to look at it!) and Zara of course, must meet my mentor, Sharon Johnson, since she is Zara Sharon.

Lately we've been able to go on late afternoon (early evening) walks with Todd after he finishes work for the day. The five of us (Fluti comes, too) hit the road with the BOB Duallie stroller and enjoy the evening as the air starts to cool. We've had to pull the stroller backwards sometimes since the sun gets in the kids' eyes and they cry about that! But it's still quite enjoyable.

There has been an increase in baths lately--more "solid" foods have made for messier babies, and messier diapers! In general, they really like baths, especially Zara. However, the latest bath time, for whatever reason, had her very upset. So we have a photo of Romey to represent them both this time.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Kiddos' First Pool Experience

Written by Jodi

Yesterday (June 1) we headed to the Canterberry Crossing neighborhood pool for a dip--the first for the babies! Grandpa Bill and Todd had been working in the back yard all day and needed a good cool down. We dressed the babes in their new swimming duds from their Aunt Mirta, who had just visited from Brazil a couple of weeks ago.

I had Zara in my arms and Todd had Roman--and typcial of moms and dads everywhere, I was careful with Z and Dad took the manly approach, dipping Roman into the water all the way up to his chest immediately! This did not go well for the poor little guy, as he panicked!

Zara tends to be a big splasher in the bath tub and the pool was no different! She loved it. I think it helped to ease her in little by little.

It was so nice to see Baby Z enjoying her self so much! Just exactly the kind of thing I was dreaming of when we were in the hospital with her. Grandpa Bill took some video footage as well of our time yesterday. They are all pretty brief, all posted on Here is a favorite: