Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Play & Learn

I'm still figuring out how to do the posting for this blog--it isn't completely intuitive! Above are a few photos that show what we're up to these days. Roman and Zara are working on eating off the spoon. Roman is good at his technique but not so patient in the process! Zara's technique improves almost daily, which is great.

As many of you know, since being in the hospital, Zara is working on "catching up" at some things like crawling and rolling. She is doing better by the day at these things, too! We have a therapist, Amy, at the house Thursday mornings for an hour. In just three weeks Zara has gone from being only on her tummy to rolling all over the room and scooting backward onto her knees. Along with mobility has come increased verbalization, something Amy said we could probably expect. Zara is full of sputtering noises (we put a bib on her a lot!) and has made lots of vowel sounds too. Roman is babbling up a storm with both vowel and consonant sounds!

The photo with the ball shows Todd working on "tummy time" by making it fun using the exercise ball.

Roman is pretty much crawling! I'd say he all-out crawls but he's sort of a 5-steps-then-lie down-to-rest crawler right now. Or he'll roll to his destination at times. I have to keep a close eye on him, he really likes media cords! (They both do, actually.)

Zara recently received a great gift for any little girl--a tiara! (Oh how I wanted one when I was little!) Appropriately, her "fairy" Godmother, Jennifer Peppers, gave it to her at our recent small-group Bible study gathering.

Roman is pretty laid back about things and Daddy takes full advantage of this, putting odd items on him, sort of playing "dress up, " I guess! Not sure what he was dressed as in this photo but it was cute. (The thing on his head is a cupper that was used by the respiratory therapists in the hospital to loosen Zara's phlegm in the lungs.)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Romi looks like a bible character...ha ha. Good ole laid back Romi. Love the blog Jodi.